
「Askar Zhussupbekov教授による特別セミナー」開催のご案内


◆日 時: 令和6年5月13日(月) 16:00~17:30

◆場 所: 名城大学 天白キャンパス 研究実験棟ⅡR2-261多目的室


◆参加費: 無料

◆定 員: 80名

◆Title:      The Experience of Geotechnical Construction and Testing of Piling Foundations of Megastructures on Problematical Soil Ground of Kazakhstan

◆演題:      中央アジア・カザフスタンの問題を抱えた地盤における大規模構造物の杭基礎の現場試験と地盤工学的建設の事例

◆Abstract:       This lecture presents of the results of the geotechnical construction and testing of piling foundations of the Megastructures on problematical soil ground of (Abu-Dhabi Plaza, Expo-2017, LRT, BAKAD, International Hospitals in Petropavlovsk and Astana). A series of the static and dynamic piling tests, plate load tests, BDLT and PIT, Cross-hole investigations were carried out. The characteristics of difficulty soil mass associated with different layers were evaluated using numerical simulation as soil-structure interaction. The results show by graphically and also with analysis summarizing conclusions. This presentation will focus on the field applications of the megastructures on boring and driving piles on problematical soil ground of Kazakhstan. This lecture provides programs and results of piling tests with static and different of the six construction sites under difficulty soil conditions. This lecture included also information about new smart foundations (conical foundations) in seismic and undermining soil ground (model, field tests and also numerical analysis) as well. These applications are important for understanding of interaction of piles with problematical soil ground of Megastructures and smart foundations on seismic regions of Kazakhstan.

◆概 要:        カザフスタンは1991年にソ連から独立した国家で,1997年にはアルマティから現在のアスタナに首都を移しました.山地に位置するアルマティは地震が多いものの,現在も経済の中心地の一つです.一方のアスタナは平原に位置し,日本人建築家の故黒田紀章氏の都市設計に基づいて現在も発展を続ける都市です.この講演では,カザフスタンのアスタナにおける超高層ビルやメトロ,エキスポ2017における建設,ならびにアルマティの環状道路,アスタナなどの国際病院の建設において,問題を抱えた地盤における場所打ち杭や打込杭の現場試験と地盤工学的建設の事例を紹介します.具体的には静的および動的な杭の載荷試験、平板載荷試験,衝撃載荷試験,杭の健全性試験,クロスホール調査などを実施し,数値シミュレーションによる評価も実施した結果を紹介します.


◆Speaker Profile

Prof. Askar Zhussupbekov

L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University (ENU, Kazakhstan)

Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (SPBGASU, Russia)

Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (MGSU, Russia)

President of Kazakhstan Geotechnical Society

Vice President Asia, International Society of Soil Mecanich and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE), 2010-2013

Chairman of 17ARC on Geotechnical Engineering in 2023, Astana, Kazakhstan.

Chair of TC 305 «Geotechnical Infrastructure for Megacities and New Capitals» of ISSMGE

Ph. Degree from SPBGASU, 1985, Diploma of Civil Engineering from SPBGASU, 1977


アスカール ユースプベコフ教授



